Princess Miera sat in a basket surrounded by her 7 dwarves and a handful of apples and wondered what the heck was going on. The sun cast a beautiful orange light through the trees and onto the field behind her. Kelci was animated behind me trying to get a smile out of Miera. She mostly looked confused as she played with the yellow tulle of the cutest little Snow White dress I've ever seen. When she wasn't fluffing her dress, she was trying to eat the apples with her two little bottom teeth. Happy the dwarf made it into her mouth a few times as well.
I love watching Miera grow. Her newest skill is sticking her tiny little tongue out. It's ADORABLE. See pic 7 for a peep of the tiny little tongue.
Kelci, thank you so much for always trusting me to capture Miera's milestones. I cannot tell you how much I love to see our past sessions displayed on the walls of your home. Remember when we photographed your maternity session?? It was 18 degrees outside and about an inch of snow was on the ground. You were wearing a flower crown and a dress that was mostly lace. Ryan, Kevin, and I were bundled up with hats, coats, and boots. We were all complaining about the crisp wind, but you were an absolute trooper. And the photos were so so worth it!! Remember Ryan flipping the train of your dress and running away?? That was hilarious.
Our next session was newborn which was so special because you were a family of THREE!! Little Miera was and still is an absolute doll. It was so much fun watching you and Ryan work together as parents for a child that you already adored. I remember Ryan loudly singing down the hallway to where Miera was burrito'd on your bed for photos.
And then we did her 3 month session. I will never forget those beautiful head wraps that looked so stinkin' cute on her.
Now Miera is 6 months - adorable, bright, and feisty. I'm so excited to share this preview with you guys and cannot wait until her 9 month session :)
